Sunday, 5 January 2014

Old Ladies Dancing's happening.
I'm starting to look old.

Last night was my dear friend's birthday, she hasn't been mentioned yet but I'm going to call her Daisy. I was gunna call her Waltella but that's not very cute and she's pretty adorbs so I'm gunna name her after that duck.
So it was her birthday. She's turning 22. Having a little quarter life crisis which is normal! I mean I had mine at 20 it sucks. You cry a lot cause you've accomplished nothing thus far in your life. It's very dramatic!

So we went to a club called Touch, it's pretty nice I like it, plays decent music. But you know people get weird when they're drunk and in dark rooms. Here's what I noticed while at the club last night:

1: Either everyone my age looked hella mature at 19 or kids just aren't aging now adays. Those are really the only two options unless victoria's fake id scanner is on the fritz and they're letting 16 year old girls in the club's weird it's creepy I don't like it.

2: I'm wearing knee high boots, leggins and a dress that completely covers me up. I am 90% covered. So why are you hitting on me? Obviously if I was looking for some attention I would be showing some skin but I was just there to dance. Mabe that's the problem now. I stick out cause I'm so covered up people are curious to see what's going on underneath garnering me more attention than less....Also to that blond bobbed girl, should she ever come upon this post. What the hell?! I hit you by accident and said sorry. I didn't know that was some secret invitation for your advances. Did I seem interested? I'm sorry if I did cause I was not!

3: Those people that wear hoodies and toques and scarves to in the club! IT'S BOILING IN THERE! HOW ARE YOU NOT DYING!! though truth be told if you won't take this as a race thing, most of them aren't white people and may come from very warm places so they may actually be cold. But it's very strange.

4: Club music has definitely changed since I was in first year there's a lot more of what I can only describe as bass drops. Which are excellent and exciting but kind of just really funny if you watch the crowd who are just giving it there all and then there's like this big moment of intake, pause everyone's hands go up and woosh crash to the ground and keep dancing. Very intriguing.

5: Why would you be playing the hockey game in a club? True there were several old men who's presence confused me but really. I'm trying to dance and of course Priscilla's staring off into the distance at the scores!

6: When did Victoria get so classy we needed those people who work in bathrooms, 6 different perfumes and a bowl of lollipops? the hell.

There were other things that I can't remember now but all in all it was a good night I must say. Should go dancing more often. Especially when it's free cover for students on saturdays!

The McDonalds afterwards wasn't too shabby either though there were some security there cause I guess this girl tried to steal something. But the guards were nice. Didn't mind that Aurora and Priscilla were taking bets on which of them would win in a fight. One even showed off his special security gloves to us. I was expecting them to be like steel knuckled but I couldn't tell...might have been cause I was drunk.
Well school starts again tomorrow so don't have any hopes for me to post frequently until May.

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