Sunday, 1 February 2015

Resolution Check Up

Yeah yeah I know I haven't posted the last day of my oregon trip yet but I'm angry and I'm drunk so I'm currently DRANGRY!!
Let's see how this post goes.

How you doing world!? 
I just thought I'd check in on you and your resolutions because you know, and if you didn't know! 
Yes that means you're going into the second month of the new year and your resolution I hope is still going strong.
But you know pessimistic me.
I'm pretty darn doubtful that you're still on that bandwagon.

Look at me.
This morning I found out I've lost 20 pounds in 2 months
and now I'm fucking wasted on my living room floor writing this post.
(alcohol is chockerblock full of calories if yall weren't aware and were still trying to lose weight)

Yes I have a glass now and then but nothing like this. but I think I deserve this.
My rage is just soooo prominent it couldn't be denied.
I might even order food still.
Why not. It's not even 7 

But this post isn't about me. 
It's about you.
Your resolutions.
How you doing?
(And keep in mind I think resolutions are just setting yourself up for failure)

It's interesting how I can tell people are failing their resolutions.
January 4th. I was walking myself up to Royal Oak for the weekly sunday mosey that's about 40 minutes point A to B and then I have to go back. Bleh.
But on this January 4th (I'm not actually sure that was the day) It was a Sunday
A giant mob of neon colored runners went by me! 

Yeeeeess I thought to myself. There are all those resolutioners. Off to a good start on their goals to lose weight.
I nodded stepped aside and allowed them all to flock pass. It was quite a sight.

The next week. 
About half the number I came across. (20)  
And I thought hmmmm. maybe they run different routes every sunday. who knows
don't be so negative of other humans! at least they're trying.

as January dragged on. the number of people I encounter out walking twindle and twindle.

February 1st and we're pretty much back to the normal amount of runners as there was in Novemeber.

Now and then I see a new face and I'm like Koodos resolutioner! You got this.

But to the rest of yall that have decided to watch The Biggest Loser at home on the couch and feel better about yourselves by thinking man I'm so much better than those fattasses. 
I hope you walk by a mirror real soon and see for yourself the failure you've inflicted.
At least they're trying. 
Though in some totally insane weightloss competition which I don't believe is healthy at all.
I mean I'd love to lose 10 pounds every week but I know that an average of 2 is something to be proud of!



Put down that cheesecake! Throw out that fondue! AND GET ON UP GET ON UP!!! (AVPS if you don't know what I'm talking about)

Also something that has really helped me is just walking with music.
I'm a very emotional person. 
I'm full of thoughts.
And sometimes it's really hard to keep yourself in line.
Go for a walk. Think it out. Breathe the fresh air.
Listen to Fall Out Boy! Seriously.
You'll feel great.

So if you've given up already.
I hope you can find the strength to keep going.
Next time you're walking up a hill instead of thinking about this steep incline in front of you.
Think about that cow at work you're always covering for. Curb stomp her with every step up that hill!
Peace and Love
The Sassafrass

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