Sunday, 21 October 2012

Close Dis Mutha Down!

It has been a long lond day my friends! I know this!
And yers I write this I am drunk..A consequence of dealing with the ushers for so long! But it is closing which means I get to let go! Ever if i have to do opera homework tomorrow and then go over to Pricsilla's place for zombie make up times ato haunt the house again tomorrow. Sometimes mama alto/ sugarmama just needs a drinkl or a 6 pack is good too! THIS was my metdal for not killing Clark Kent! I have neem super nice to him alday! I get a drink!
And Drink I Did!
It has been a freat day, I conveinently cheecked out and then avoided all the men in the club....not a club the phoenix party! which is a good go cecilly! because i reuse to date men in the theater....just leads to  toruble! toruble sucks! can't have that! Party recap!!!
So superman lost his pin! which emans he has to grant this girl 3 wishes! her first is that he clean her house....silly wish if you as me! can't trust a man to clean a house and she never said how well either! it could be his version of clean! silly child , yiu mudt think out the wording of your wishes! but she's got 2 more. I ho9pe she does mbetter and makes him really suffer!
I met some of his frat friends, they seem pretty nice. Guess I can't just! oh well they were more sober than we were which is danger man so dangerous!
I tried to play "Emma " aka gwenthyh Paltrow and set my friends up....lodn't think it worked all....i odn't really care. she just asked me to put in a good word with him.....sigh people
Then of course theres all the people that come up and say mo matter what the uvic progeressors say i belong in the acting program....thanks....I'll keep that in mind....oh drunk people so good. Gota love em..
thane  the cops showed up and I left....never going to chail. no way never no how.
and also my house was 3 blocks away! so I went home, ehear I am,,,,posting though I know I shouldn't I checked in with mamma/ butler Alfred to  let him know that I got home safe as he wishesd. And DUH! I MADE QUAC! It's the one thing I can do drunk!
me and Nachos are going to go lie down!

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