Saturday, 29 September 2012

Coffee Can Not Save You

Ola friends,
So this morning I was greeted by this image on my tumblr dash,
And I think I'm being lied to. Now you may not know me but I have one of the worst memories! I'm that person who will be pulling stuff out of my purse and throwing it around the room searching for my bus pass and I'll have forgotten that it's sitting in my bra or worse clutched in my teeth. I have long ago accepted that alzheimer's is an inevitable fate of mine. Which sucks because I really like writing and there is nothing more frustrating than when you have a fantastic idea or an awesome line you want to use in a story and when you finally get to the part where it fits in you can't remember it. No matter how hard I try I ALWAYS forget awesome things, or where I'm supposed to be, or what I have to do that day and what I should wear so my feet don't have to suffer.
First year for example I had scene shop hours but I was all focused on being cute and I wore open toed high heels which is a huge no no in the shop. So I had to go into costume and get a pair  of shoes (they were super nice pumas) and some grungy old socks from the costume teacher who has never liked me. Of course she gave me an ear full for being irresponsible. Rude.
Anyways, I don't even know what a heart disease is anymore all I know is that I'm probably going to die of a heart attack before or at the age of 30 so there's really no worry. Coffee will not be saving my life.
And even if I do die sooner rather than later I can still live in complete content knowing I took pole dance lessons before and I'm still super awesome!
Anyways, I have to go to school and count out all the concession inventory...sadly it's also the 50th anniversary of UVic and there's supposed to be all these tours in the theatre but my friend is the only person who volunteered because no one cares and she was basically forced into it. Which means I have to hide from the marketing teacher while we're there because she's going to be impossible and try to force us into working. Fat chance lady! I want free things!!

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