Tuesday, 25 September 2012

You Suck Mozart!

Dear oh dear Bloggy Readers!
It has been 4 days since I last posted! DISGRACEFUL! You expect better from me and I will provide! Perhaps I will even write 2 posts tonight considering I actually think of something to tell you.
I mean yeah I've been doing things but I honestly can never remember just what I've been doing. I mean I had all weekend! WHERE WAS I!? I don't even know. I'm sure if I thought about it long enough I'd remember but let's just stop you guy and honestly I think we need to take a second for Mozart.
So I'm in this opera history class which is all fine and jolly minus the fact that we never watch historically accurate stagings of the operas they're always really awful 1920-30's modernizations which just make me think of Guys and Dolls. It was an alright musical but they don't make very good operas.
And every week we have to take notes on a chapter then write a chapter summary....seems simple right? Right! and the chapters are only like 20-35 pages so it should be fine. But I'm telling you this book needs more pictures! Take up some of that word space! Today's notes consisted of 2 pages on composer Haydn and his nice cushy life in a castle working for some guy in the middle of no where and then 16 PAGES OF MOZART!!! 16!!
Who told Mozart he was that important!?! I certainly didn't! and I mean really! The guy was almost a complete failure in his time because he was a rude, arrogant little prick to all his superiors. His poor life of suffering was brought on himself.
Yeah he was a genius but no one wants a rude genius living under their roof insulting all their servants and musicians. And then of course he insulted the french when he was 16, saying they had no taste. Don't tell the french they have no taste! They're probably the most hyper-sensitive bunch of ninnies you'll meet! But they'll pay you well if they think you're worth it.
So poor pathetic Mozart suffered for 30 years of his 35 year long life and it was allllllllll his fault! But my hands have to suffer for it as they little brat is apparently super important to the Enlightenment Era......right.
Biased book is biased.
On a more positive note! I am almost done with all of Alfred's really nasty muffins. They taste much better cold and don't smell as much.
Maybe write you later.

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