Wednesday, 26 September 2012

I Do Nat Like You Because You Are Nat French

2 Posts in 1 day? oh you lucky readers.
I would just like to take a second to complain about the french!
Because they complain so much about us I think we need to turn this around just for 1 post.
So I'm taking this french connections class which is all fine and dandy, sometimes I think to myself "what are the french up to?" but usually those thoughts disappear swiftly because I have better things to do then worry about some crazies.  And originally the class seemed really interesting...and then we watched a video about Quebec in the 1950's and 60's, all the the problems with Duplessis and the beginning of seperatist thinking.
I very much wanted to take a nap the entire time I could care less. Unfortunately now we're having a test on the subject so I have spent the last hour wikipedia-ing old Quebec premiers to figure what the heck went down between priests in the education system and the FLQ (apparently a lot that I never cared to know about). Also, I'm pretty sure I learned this all in Science Humaine 10 and felt no need to care about it then either.
I'm also in an opera history class which of course if you're going to study opera the french are all over that art form so we need to learn about them.
All was going swimmingly, we were learning about all the italians and how much they loved opera and thought "HEY! Let's help out the french."
To which the french responded "GTFO YOU ARE NOT FRENCH!"
Ok maybe not like that exactly but seriously, I wish I had the book here to quote it. It pretty much said that this italian woman married a french guy and thought hey you could all benefit from some opera and they were like "qu'est que c'est opera?" and she was like "oh it's this beautiful art form from Ita-" "NON!" because it wasn't french. They're all about preserving their culture those french which is why I find chiac and their random uses of english words hilarious! Louis the 14th or 16th didn't help either. Parading around calling himself the Sun King. A little full of yourself there Lou.
Sigh les francais.

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