Friday, 14 September 2012

Woe is the Life of a Student

Dear world,
Why is life so cruel? Once upon a time I believed in Karma but unless all the wrong doings in your past life carry over into your reincarnation then I don't believe I merit all the amount of suck that gets thrust upon me!
Now I won't go into long winded detail about the tragedies of my foresakeness I'll just tell you about yesterday cause it's much more concise and actually ends decently.
So as a lowly student, in Theatre no less, I have little funds to get me through the year. Though I work all summer and save save save it is very rare that you come across a student who has independently saved the required 10, 000$ or more it takes to pay for tuition, books, rent and most importantly but somehow always last on the list FOOD!
Anyways, UVic offers students an easier way to make money then going out into the town and finding a job with no compromises. This glorious program is called work study. Only it's not that glorious, unless you're in the theatre department there's all these other requirements that go into getting a job. Now, everyone has to go get evaluated to see how many hours they're allowed to work. I got 267 out of a possible 340 because I am just that sad. A friend of mine however was in TOO MUCH financial need and the work study people said they could not help her because there was no way she would be able to pay for first term let alone be alive long enough to make it to second. But once again I am off topic.
So I got my hours, handed them into the box office where I had hoped to be employed but alas it was for naught! A first year was hired in my place and all the other spots were filled by last years workers leaving me with the only options of "taking care of" one of the returning box office workers....or applying to other work study positions. (Plotting murder is actually a lot of work) So off I went to the internet to find other that require cover letters...qualifications like superb video editing skills, working with the elderly, having good grammar! COME ON! I was in french immersion, if you want good french grammar you've got it! But I've no skill when it comes to english, you can probably tell from reading this.
Needless to say, I was down trodden by the end of my long school day, complete with the depressing history of Quebec wanting to peace it from Canada. I thought the day would continue to suck.....
BUT THEN I JOINED A POLE DANCING CLASS!!!! This is where I'm meant to be! I'm not about to sell my body but give me a pole and let me dance and maybe the world won't be so bad!!
Until next time darlings.

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