Wednesday, 12 September 2012


Welcome friends or others,

This is a blog and you may be experiencing it for the first time. I too am new to this strange world of "blogging" but I will try my best to keep you entertained. If you are not entertained then you may leave at any given time I will probably be none the wiser.
If you came to me expecting some good stories then I can promise you I will try my hardest to be funny. Alas, there are times in my life when I choose not to be funny. During these times I am may range from hystrerical, delusional, furious or one giant puddle of my own salty tears.
Yes dear readers, I cry an abnoraml amount but there is little I can do to stop that. Though many take great delight in my strange sadness I suppose the ability to find joy in others's suffering is something you are born with.
This all being said, welcome to my blog.
Here is a picture of a giant calculator from Staples.

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